Gorge Escuain
Although it has analogies with its neighboring valleys of Ordesa and Añisclo, it does not look like them and, with all property, it is not a throat or a cut, but a formidable diaclasa, open in the middle of the mountain, Briet would say. Circos, lapiaces, chasms and ravines make up the sunny side of the massif. From any angle, the work of the landscape modeling man is discovered for generations. It is precisely the harmony that is established between nature and human settlement that gives this valley its originality and greatness.
- Bridge and path of the Mallos. In the Altoaragón it is known by the name of "mallos" to the monoliths or rocky ridges that stand out for their size in the landscape. From Revilla it connects the two slopes of the valley.
- Anlitonés viewpoint perfect to admire the most evocative landscapes of the Yaga River and the curious phenomenon of thermal inversion that occurs in these narrow canyons of Alto Aragón.
- Neck Viceto: Collado which, at 2,010 meters, separates the valleys of Añisclo and Escuaín
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